Project Euler

Problem #2 - Even Fibonacci Numbers

Original Problem Statement

Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms.
By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will be:
 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...

By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed four million, find the sum of the even-valued terms.

Initial Thoughts

The Fibonacci numbers are interesting for many reasons, and much discussion can be had about them.
I've discussed them a bit here: Fibonacci Numbers
However, for the sake of solving this problem, we will avoid that discussion and skip ahead to find a practical solution.

Note that we define the Fibs as follows:

  • \(F_0 = 0\)
  • \(F_1 = 1\)
  • \(F_n = F_{n-1} + F_{n-2}\), where \(n \in \mathbb{N}\) and \(n \geq 2\)
This differs from the sequence given in the problem statement, but it will be notationally convenient to use this enumeration.

Additionally, note the following constants which will be used below:
  • Lowercase phi: \(\hspace{1em}\displaystyle\phi = \frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2} \approx 1.618\cdots\)
  • Lowercase psi: \(\hspace{1em}\displaystyle\psi = \frac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2} \approx -0.618\cdots\)

With the Fibs enumerated as above, along with these constants, the closed-form expression turns out to be:

\(\hspace{1em}\displaystyle F_n = \frac{\phi^n - \psi^n}{\sqrt{5}}\)

Also, it turns out that the subtracted term, \(\displaystyle\frac{\psi^n}{\sqrt{5}}\), always has a magnitude below \(0.5\).
This is great for the sake of calculation, as it allows us to simplify the formula:

\(\hspace{1em}\displaystyle F_n = round\left(\frac{\phi^n}{\sqrt{5}}\right)\)

With all of this in mind, let's proceed (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ !!

Iterative Approach (Brute-Force)

At first glance, we could easily write some code to iterate upwards and enumerate the Fibs in sequence.
The following code would accomplish what we need:
The computational complexity, namely the time-complexity here, depends on the number of iterations needed to enumerate until \(M\)
Recall that the sequence turns out to be roughly exponential, where \(F_n \sim \phi^n\).
Thus the number of iterations as well as the time-complexity are of magnitude \(O(log(M))\)

Can we do better? → YES

Iterative Approach (Improved)

Let's look closer at the Fibs sequence.
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...
Recall that we're only concerned with the even entries of the sequence.
It seems that only every third entry in the sequence is even.

Consider only the parity (even-ness or odd-ness) of the sequence, as follows:

\( \begin{align*} \hspace{1em}F_0 &= 0 & & \rightarrow\text{ even} \\ \hspace{1em}F_1 &= 1 & & \rightarrow\text{ odd} \\ \hspace{1em}F_2 &= F_0 + F_1 \rightarrow & \text{ even + odd } & \rightarrow\text{ odd} \\ \hspace{1em}F_3 &= F_1 + F_2 \rightarrow & \text{ odd + odd } & \rightarrow\text{ even} \\ \hspace{1em}F_4 &= F_2 + F_3 \rightarrow & \text{ odd + even } & \rightarrow\text{ odd} \\ \hspace{1em}F_5 &= F_3 + F_4 \rightarrow & \text{ even + odd } & \rightarrow\text{ odd} \\ \end{align*} \)

It turns out that the parity of the sequence has a cyclical nature, which explains why every third element, \(F_{3j}\), is even!
We can use this to our advantage to avoid the parity check by simply skipping to every 3rd Fib, and adding.

The previous code can be modified to the following:
Although we've modified the code to avoid divisibility checks, it is still iterating similarly as before.
The time-complexity thus remains at \(O(log(M))\).

Can we do better !? → YES

Iterative Approach (Double-Improved)

The previous code can be modified even further to avoid the triple-step iteration.
Assuming we know elements \(F_i\) and \(F_{i+1}\), we'd like step forwards thrice to calculate elements \(F_{i+3}\) and \(F_{i+4}\).
We can calculate these in terms of the known elements as follows:

\( \begin{align*} \hspace{1em}F_{i+3} &= F_{i+2} + F_{i+1} \\ \hspace{1em} &= (F_{i+1} + F_i) + F_{i+1} \\ \hspace{1em} &= 2\cdot F_{i+1} + F_i \end{align*} \)

Using the previous expression for \(F_{i+3}\) to determine \(F_{i+4}\) ...:

\( \begin{align*} \hspace{1em}F_{i+4} &= F_{i+3} + F_{i+2} \\ \hspace{1em} &= (2\cdot F_{i+1} + F_i) + (F_{i+1} + F_i) \\ \hspace{1em} &= 3\cdot F_{i+1} + 2\cdot F_i \end{align*} \)

Now we can avoid the triple-step iteration by directly updating as follows:
We've improved the absolute runtime by cutting out some intermediate arithmetic operations.
However, the overall time-complexity hasn't been improved, as we're iterating in pretty much the same way.

Can we do better !?!? → YES

Summation Approach

Let's look directly at the desired answer, formulated as a summation:

\( \begin{align*} \hspace{1em}S &= \displaystyle\sum_{i \in \mathbb{N}_0} F_i \cdot \mathbb{1}_{\{F_i\text{ is even } \wedge\hspace{0.2em}F_i \leq M\}} & \text{Desired answer} \\ \hspace{1em} &= \displaystyle\sum_{i \in \mathbb{N}_0} F_i \cdot \mathbb{1}_{\{F_i\text{ is even}\}} \cdot \mathbb{1}_{\{F_i \leq M\}} & \text{Split indicator into separate predicates} \\ \hspace{1em} &= \displaystyle\sum_{i \in \mathbb{N}} F_i \cdot \mathbb{1}_{\{F_i\text{ is even}\}} \cdot \mathbb{1}_{\{F_i \leq M\}} & F_0 = 0 \end{align*} \)

where \(\mathbb{1}_{\cdots}\) is an indicator variable taking values 0 or 1, depending on the specified predicate.

Element-wise Parity

We discovered previously that only every third Fib is even, so we can improve our summation:

\( \hspace{1em}S = \displaystyle\sum_{j \in \mathbb{N}} F_{3j} \cdot \mathbb{1}_{\{F_{3j} \leq M\}} \)

Upper Bound

Now we need to determine the upper bound, \(j_{max}\), of the iterator variable, \(j\).
This would be the maximum such \(j\) for which \(F_{3j} \leq M\).
We can determine it as follows:

\( \begin{align*} F_{3j} & \leq M & \text{Desired condition} \\ \frac{\phi^{3j} - \psi^{3j}}{\sqrt{5}} & \leq M & \text{Substitute with closed-form expression} \\ round\left(\frac{\phi^{3j}}{\sqrt{5}}\right) & \leq M & \text{Simplified formula version} \\ \frac{\phi^{3j}}{\sqrt{5}} & \lt M + 0.5 & \text{Accounting for rounding} \\ \phi^{3j} & \lt (M + 0.5) \cdot \sqrt{5} \\ ln(\phi^{3j}) & \lt ln((M + 0.5) \cdot \sqrt{5}) \\ 3j \cdot ln(\phi) & \lt ln(M + 0.5) + \frac{1}{2}ln(5) \\ j & \lt \frac{ln(M + 0.5) + \frac{1}{2}ln(5)}{3 \cdot ln(\phi)} \\ j_{max} & = ceil\left(\frac{ln(M + 0.5) + \frac{1}{2}ln(5)}{3 \cdot ln(\phi)}\right) - 1 & \text{Maximum possible value of }j \end{align*} \)

Given this upper bound, we can simplify our prior summation to the following:

\( \hspace{1em}S = \displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{j_{max}} F_{3j} \)

Geometric Series

Additionally, as stated before, the Fibs turn out to be roughly equal to a geometric progression.
Perhaps, then, we can convert the summation to a closed-form expression!

Note that rounding many values and then summing is not necessarily the same as summing and the rounding.
For example, \(round(0.5) + round(0.5) = 1 + 1 = 2\), whereas \(round(0.5 + 0.5) = round(1) = 1\).
Hence we start with the unrounded expression:

\( \begin{align*} \hspace{1em}S &= \displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{j_{max}} F_{3j} & \text{Desired summation} \\ \hspace{1em} &= \displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{j_{max}} \frac{\phi^{3j} - \psi^{3j}}{\sqrt{5}} & \text{Exact formula} \\ \hspace{1em} &= \displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{j_{max}} \frac{\phi^{3j}}{\sqrt{5}} - \sum_{j=1}^{j_{max}} \frac{\psi^{3j}}{\sqrt{5}} & \text{Separate into two summations} \\ \hspace{1em} &= \displaystyle\frac{1}{\sqrt{5}}\sum_{j=1}^{j_{max}} \phi^{3j} - \frac{1}{\sqrt{5}}\sum_{j=1}^{j_{max}} \psi^{3j} & \text{Factor out constant} \\ \hspace{1em} &= \displaystyle\frac{1}{\sqrt{5}} \cdot \frac{\phi^3 \cdot (1-(\phi^3)^{j_{max}})}{1-\phi^3} - \frac{1}{\sqrt{5}} \cdot \frac{\psi^3 \cdot (1-(\psi^3)^{j_{max}})}{1-\psi^3} & \text{Closed-form for finite geometric series} \\ \hspace{1em} &= round\left(\displaystyle\frac{1}{\sqrt{5}} \cdot \frac{\phi^3 \cdot (1-(\phi^3)^{j_{max}})}{1-\phi^3}\right) & \text{Subtracted term is negligible} \\ \end{align*} \)

Final Code

We've found a direct formula to calculate the sum!
The code is now as follows:

The time-complexity has been reduced to \(O(1)\) as we only need to compute a fixed number of arithmetic operations.


The answer can be easily computed manually with a calculator, giving the following:

\( \begin{align*} \hspace{1em}M &= 4,000,000 \\\\ \hspace{1em}j_{max} &= ceil\left(\frac{ln(M + 0.5) + \frac{1}{2}ln(5)}{3 \cdot ln(\phi)}\right) - 1 \\ \hspace{1em} &= ceil\left(11.088\cdots\right) - 1 \\ \hspace{1em} &= 11 \\\\ \hspace{1em}S &= round\left(\displaystyle\frac{1}{\sqrt{5}} \cdot \frac{\phi^3 \cdot (1-(\phi^3)^{j_{max}})}{1-\phi^3}\right) \\ \hspace{1em} &= round\left(\displaystyle\frac{1}{\sqrt{5}} \cdot \frac{\phi^3 \cdot (1-(\phi^3)^{11})}{1-\phi^3}\right) \\ \hspace{1em} &= round\left(4,613,731.9\cdots\right) \\ \hspace{1em} &= 4,613,732 \end{align*} \)

My Solution on GitHub

The full Python3 code for my solution implementation can be found here: GitHub Solution